Amazon Keyword Research (The Ultimate Guide 2023) Sellersupport July 14, 2023

Amazon Keyword Research (The Ultimate Guide 2023)


In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, mastering Amazon keyword research is crucial for sellers looking to maximize their product visibility and sales. As we step into 2023, Amazon’s algorithm and customer behavior continue to evolve, making keyword research more important than ever. This ultimate guide will walk you through the ins and outs of Amazon keyword research, empowering you with the knowledge and tools to stay ahead of the competition and reach your target audience effectively.

Why Amazon Keyword Research Matters?

Keywords are the building blocks that connect shoppers with your products on Amazon. When customers search for a specific product or category, Amazon’s search algorithm scans product listings for relevant keywords. By optimizing your product listings with the right keywords, you increase the chances of your products appearing higher in search results, ultimately driving more traffic and sales.

Understanding Amazon’s A9 Algorithm

To excel in Amazon keyword research, it’s vital to comprehend the A9 algorithm. A9 is Amazon’s search algorithm, and it plays a crucial role in determining search result rankings. While Amazon doesn’t disclose all the factors that influence A9, certain elements are well-known:

1. Relevance

Amazon prioritizes products that are relevant to the user’s search query. Ensure your keywords align with the product’s features and benefits to improve relevance.

2. Performance

The algorithm considers a product’s historical performance, including click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and sales velocity. High-performing products tend to rank better.

3. Content Quality

Amazon values well-optimized product titles, bullet points, and descriptions. Include relevant keywords naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.

4. Sales History

Products with consistent sales history and positive reviews are more likely to rank higher in search results.

Conducting Amazon Keyword Research

1. Brainstorming

Start by brainstorming a list of potential keywords related to your product. Think about what words or phrases customers might use when searching for a product like yours.

2. Competitor Analysis

Analyze the keywords used by top competitors in your niche. Tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and AMZScout can help you uncover valuable insights.

3. Amazon Autocomplete

Amazon’s autocomplete feature offers suggestions as users type in the search bar. Take note of these suggestions as they represent popular search queries.

4. Backend Search Terms

In the backend of your Amazon Seller Central account, you can add search terms that are relevant to your product. Use this space to include additional keywords.

5. Customer Reviews

Pay attention to customer reviews, as shoppers often use similar language to describe products. Extract keywords from positive reviews and integrate them into your listing.

6. Amazon Advertising Reports

If you’re running Amazon Advertising campaigns, analyze the search term reports to identify high-converting keywords.

Categorizing Keywords

Organize your researched keywords into the following categories:

1. Primary Keywords

These are the most important keywords that directly relate to your product. Include them in your product title and the first few lines of your product description.

2. Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and usually consist of three or more words. They have lower search volume but often lead to higher conversion rates.

3. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keywords

LSI keywords are related terms and synonyms of your primary keywords. Sprinkle them throughout your listing to reinforce relevance.

Optimizing Your Product Listing

Once you’ve identified the most relevant keywords, optimize your product listing accordingly:

1. Product Title

Incorporate primary keywords naturally into your product title, making it clear and compelling.

2. Bullet Points and Product Description

Use a combination of primary and long-tail keywords in your bullet points and product description to provide comprehensive information to potential buyers.

3. Backend Search Terms

Utilize the backend search terms field to add additional keywords that may not fit in the visible product listing.

4. Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) and A+ Content

If eligible, take advantage of EBC and A+ Content to further optimize your product page with compelling visuals and enhanced descriptions.

Monitoring and Iterating

Amazon keyword research is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor your product’s performance and make adjustments as needed. Stay updated with industry trends and adjust your keyword strategy accordingly.


In 2023, mastering Amazon keyword research is essential for success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Understanding Amazon’s A9 algorithm, conducting thorough research, and optimizing your product listing with the right keywords will boost your product’s visibility and sales potential. By staying informed and continuously improving your keyword strategy, you can effectively reach your target audience and thrive on the Amazon marketplace.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Q: How many keywords should I include in my Amazon product listing?A: Focus on quality over quantity. Include the most relevant and high-performing keywords in your product title, bullet points, and description.
  2. Q: Should I use single-word or long-tail keywords?A: Use a mix of both. Single-word keywords may have higher search volume but are often more competitive. Long-tail keywords are more specific and can lead to higher conversion rates.
  3. Q: Can I change my keywords after my product is live on Amazon?A: Yes, you can update your product listing and keywords at any time. Regularly optimize and iterate based on performance.
  4. Q: Is it necessary to run Amazon Advertising campaigns for keyword research?A: While running Amazon Advertising campaigns can provide valuable insights, it’s not the only method for keyword research. Use a combination of tools and techniques for comprehensive research.
  5. Q: How frequently should I review and update my keywords?A: Review your keywords regularly, especially when launching new products or during seasonal changes. Stay proactive to maintain a competitive edge.
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