Introduction- Amazon Account Suspended
- Amazon has always had a history of introducing new features consistently and making their platform more trustworthy and safe for their most loved customers.
- However, getting your Amazon account suspended or terminated can be every Amazon seller’s horror story.
- Adding on, the account resolution can take a few weeks resulting in shallow business.
- While this is not avoidable, there are ways you can definitely avert it.
- However, you should know the difference between suspensions, denial and banned accounts on Amazon.
Suspended, Denied, Banned- The difference
- Suspension means you still have a chance to appeal. You’ll need to work on a plan of action.
- Denied means your appeal is rejected, but you still have a chance to submit a revised plan of action.
- Banned is the worst scenario of the three. Basically, you’re out of there. Your appeal has failed more than once, and Amazon will no longer read your emails.
Why Is My Amazon Account Suspended?
- If your selling privileges have been removed, it is generally because of one of the following reasons:
Poor Seller Performance
- Poor account health, negative customer feedback, and decreasing seller metrics are all red flags to Amazon.
- When your seller performance drops, Amazon gets worried that you aren’t providing the best possible customer service and will want to conduct a review of your account to see what’s going on.
Amazon Policy Violation
- Amazon has strict seller guidelines to prevent fraud and ultimately keep their customers happy.
- If you violate their policies or terms of service, your account gets suspended.
Restricted Product Listings
- If you are selling restricted, counterfeit or inauthentic products on Amazon, they’ll find out and suspend your account.
How Do I Get My Amazon Suspended Account Back?
- To prevent account suspension, you need to take certain measures. But if your account is already suspended, do not panic. Sit tight and calm yourself, knowing that there’s a solution called POA or “plan of action.”
- A plan of action is done once your account is suspended for any imaginable reasons.
- Even if your account is not suspended, it’s good to know how to do your plan of action effectively.
The idea of Plan of Action(POA)
- Plan of Action is one of the most basic preparedness planning you can cover your business into.
- Amazon account suspended can hurt your business in the most destructive way not just financially but image-wise too.
- If Amazon asks you for a POA, you have to provide them what they require. For example, if they ask you about your latest transaction invoices, receipts, and more, you have to give it to them, or else you’ll endanger your business from not opening sooner than you would want to.
- In POAs, you tell them that everything’s a misunderstanding and that you’ve prepared a preventive action in case the problem arises again. You don’t casually construct your email. You have to sound professional, and you have to give every bit of information about the problematic transaction.
- We understand how devastating Amazon Seller Account Suspension can be to your business.
- For many of you, this fantastic marketplace is your only source of income. Fortunately, Amazon gives you a chance to appeal their decision.
- You have still got a chance to have your Amazon suspended account reinstated. Well written appeal letters can do magic here.
- This is exactly what we do at SellerSupport.We know exactly what the Amazon Performance Team is looking for and we genuinely do our best to reflect it in our appeals. To know the process & requirements visit Suspended? Get Reinstated